Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update and Kicking...

Sorry I havent written in a while... here's a little update:

- It's a boy!!
- I now take weekley Progesterone shots. They are supposed to help me from going into very early pre-term labor. They make me SO SO SO freaking tired though.
- The allergies seem to be letting up, ever so slightly. The stuffy nose is almost gone, except for occasionally while sleeping and any time I get too warm. Yay, thank the Lord!!!
- I've started taking prenatal yoga classes about 2 times a week! I'm not big on the "yoga" part, but I enjoy the stretching and learning to breathe.

Anyway, on Thursday, I felt him kicking me!!! I was riding in the car with Daryl (actually I was driving, but thats a different story entirely) when I felt something moving very low on my abdomen. I was hungry, so I knew it wasn't a rumble from an upset tummy. I thought at first that maybe something had fallen inbetween my seatbelt and my lower abdomen. When it happened a second time, a few seconds after, I pulled the belt out slightly and looked to see if there was anything there, which there wasn't. When it happened a third time, just seconds later, I knew what it was! I said to hubby, "hey, he's kicking me!!!" It felt like a couple of little finger flicks coming from inside. It was really neat!! It's amazing that something that's only 5 or 6 inches long can pack such a tiny punch. I believe the word for the first movements are "quickening". I'd felt it a little before, but this time I was sure that it was baby. :) (I was about 18wks and 3days)

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