Monday, April 27, 2009

25 weeks

I can't believe I've made it this far! It seems like it could be possible to actually *have* a baby now. I really never thought I would make it this far. People keep asking me if I have all of my baby things and nursery together... and the answer is no. I don't have anything together! We don't really have a room for a nursery, and he'll be sleeping in our bedroom for at least the first few months anyway (then, of course, we'll have to figure out where he'll be sleeping after that, but that'll be in the I have bought baby things before (from previous pregnancies) and it always ended in my own heartache (and bad memories from looking at the things I bought), so I learned a long time ago not to buy things in advance. I almost feel that, even now, it would be jumping the gun to buy things. I guess that's weird and I need to get over it.

Tonight I was noticing that he really likes to be pooched up on one side of my stomach. I guess that's the uterus he is in (the left one). It's very noticeable at times! I can't tell if that's where he's sleeping, or if that's where his back/butt are when he's just relaxing, or what, but it's rather humorous to look at my lopsided tummy.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

21 weeks!

I 'm 21 weeks now, almost 22. I can't believe I've made it this far! I have some ultrasound pics from a few weeks ago that I need to scan in and post. Everything looks ok, as far as they know. I have another appointment with my high risk OB on Monday - he couldn't see everything in the baby's heart because of the position baby was in, so I'm going back in for another look. And if he can't see everything again, he's referring me to a pediatric cardiologist! That seems a little extreme to me, so hopefully baby will cooperate this time.

I'm still getting my weekly Progesterone shots. They don't hurt too much, but they do make me super tired. I've also been having a lot of cramps. They're like menstrual cramps, only not as severe as the ones I'm used to getting. Either way, they still hurt and I can't take anything for them (since I'm allergic to Tylenol). They come and go, but they're especially painful right after I wake up. Along with them comes lower back pain - yayyyy! That gets bad when I sit down for too long, so I have to get up and walk around a lot. But my doctor has said that everything is normal, especially since there is no spotting or bleeding - or maybe its just normal for me? Since the baby is growing in a half of a uterus and I'm fairly skinny, the uterus has to stretch and my muscles have to stretch out, thus cramping.

So...not much fun, but nothing I can do about it. On the plus side, I've been feeling baby move! I started feeling him move at about 17 1/2 weeks. He was probably moving before then, I just thought it was gas pains. I remember driving with hubby in the car, and I felt a little bump underneath the lap part of my seatbelt. I thought there was some bug crawling down there! So I looked down and put my hand down there to feel or see anything. I didn't see or feel anything, but a few seconds later, I felt it again. I knew that it wasn't gas pains and I knew I wasn't hungry - so when I felt it again a few seconds later, I knew it was baby! Hubby even got to feel him move one time, a couple of weeks after that. I still feel him, more everyday. It's pretty neat!