Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I know I said I dont believe in signs (i.e. pregnancy symptoms being good signs that the pregnancy is good), and I still dont. But I think I've been having some pretty good symptoms. My boobs hurt like crazy yesterday and hurt off and on today. I was feeling icky yesterday and a little today. I took a long nap today because I was just too tired to do anything else.

Did I mention I'm in Florida on one of hubby's business trips? Its SO beautiful here. I was born here!! (I just haven't been back since mom moved us to Oklahoma when I was still very little.) I'm kinda glad I have something to keep my mind occupied till the dreaded 2nd ultrasound on this coming Monday. Sucks though that there is all sorts of free alcohol and good drinks around where I am but I can't partake. Also there are gobs of cute bars and places to sit outside with a night cap, but like a boring old woman, I just go back to my room and sleep. But I can accept that, even with a smile on my face, if it means that I trade it for a healthy baby. Please keep praying for me!

1 comment:

Sarah Mansur said... should have let me come with you...I could drink all the free booze FOR you while you slept. ;)