Saturday, July 19, 2008


Not really feeling pregnant. I'm kinda dreading Monday's ultrasound. I've been feeling almost a little crampy... or mabye not exactly cramy, I don't know. I've been sick with this cold, so I don't know if what I'm feeling is aftermath from the cold or something else. I've been coughing a lot, so maybe it's just my stomach muscles being sore from coughing? I just hate being so uncertain. If I could just see or hear the little heartbeat...


Jennifer said...

I always had my day's off and day's of feeling ok! Even later on in pregnancy there are day's the baby won't move at all and it's a little scary.. you just start poking them a little and they'll kick you back! You are worrying yourself SICK! It's not good for baby so you need to relax and let God take care of the rest.

Jennifer said...

Hahaha!! If you SAW my dress then you might understand why i don't care if it get's lost or not!!!! I know that i should bring it on the plane.. i just don't want to. I'm sharing a garmet bag with Jennifer (her maid of honor) so it will be a shared annoyance.

Sarah Mansur said...

yeah...her dress is pretty....BRIGHT...:P