Friday, March 12, 2010

Confessions of a Baby Monster - part 2

4 Weeks Old - Dreaming of all things milk-related...

4 Weeks old - sleeping on Mommy is pretty much all I do these days. She doesn't mind.

Almost 1 month old! Mommy's Best Friend and her son are admiring me. Ahhh.

Almost a month old. I don't know what I'm doing right here. If you know what I'm doing here, can you please tell me?

1 Month Birthday! I got an all-expense paid trip to Bass Pro Shops. Yeah, blame that idea on daddy. But look, I'm having a good time.

5 Days Old - Sorry, I had to throw this in. Look at how stinking cute I am! Mommy's best friend came over and took these (yes, there's more) pics of me.
1 Month. Haha.

1 Month. I believe this is the ugliest outfit I've ever worn. Hands down. Whomever bought me this should be spanked with a wooden spoon.

6 Weeks Old. Hmmm....

7 Weeks old. Oh my. I am terribly handsome.

8 Weeks old. Chillin' with mom. Mom looks tired. I keep her up a lot, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Confessions of a Baby Monster - part 1

3 Days Old. Already have mommy wrapped around my finger!

5 Days Old. Finally home! This is the good life!

5 Days Old. Mom thinks my milk face is adorable.

9 Days Old. I pooped on Aunt Kim and she thought it was hysterical!

2 Weeks Old. When I bend my neck like this, mom feels sorry for me and picks me up.

2 Weeks Old. Silly mom, she thinks I can actually play in this right now. ::rolls eyes::
08-07-2009, 2.5 weeks old, mom's birthday! She thinks I'm the best thing that ever walked...err..whatever.

2.5 Weeks Old. I'm as sleepy a a newborn!

2.5 Weeks Old. Pssst...stay tuned for more.